Just a place to follow my ham radio activities. Hopefully over time I'll get some useful information on here as well.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Digital WAS complete!
Last night I finally found someone in WY on digital (JT65 in this case). Big thanks to Robert, K7EMR, for being my last contact to finish off WAS, and also for confirming so fast in LoTW. I was just commenting to the wife the other night how in the last hour I had found someone from every state touching Wyoming, but no actual WY stations. I was starting to think there really were not any. Now to start focusing on individual bands/modes, and the remaining 50ish countries for DXCC. With the new antenna up and running I've been able to add a number of new countries lately, though it really seems to be a direct line to Russia from what I've seen so far (not that I'm complaining). Until next time, hope to see you on the air. 73 de N0QBX sk
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Sunday Radio Fun
Sunday (23/9/2012) was a FANTASTIC day on the radio. I used my limed time while the XYL was out to sit on 15m psk. I got to work russia (one of my favorite DX), Ukraine, Netherlands, Bosnia, Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Spain, Portugal, England, Germany, and the random Oklahoma. I also missed both Iceland(eve online ftw) and Egypt(!), and had a really nice qso with a german station using olivia way later than I normally can work Europe. It was a fantastic afternoon playing radio. 73 all, uploading to LoTW and eQSL.cc as always, send direct if you need paper QSL... 73, gud DX in 2012! de N0QBX sk
Monday, September 10, 2012
New Antenna is Almost Ready!
We've been working on adding a s9v18 here. A HUGE thank you to the XYL for helping me with running radials. I finally received the LMR-400 feedline on Friday, right before I had to head up north for a fantastic fishing weekend for a buddies bachelor party. Today I was finally able to put that feedline into the ground/house and try out the antenna...with only 20 of the planned 32 radials into the ground, none of which headed east, I was able work Germany, Netherlands, California, Belgium, Canary Islands, and France... and the night is still really young. My wife had to listen to me switch between the vertical and the fan dipole at least five times ( with all the relays in the LDG at-200 rattling away each time) before I was REALLY happy with the noise level on the new vertical. As a side note it's a huge improvement on noise on 14.230/SSTV. Now I just need to lay the last 12 radials and it should be even better. Anyway, hoping to meet you on the air.... especially if your on digital in WY since that is the last state I need for digital WAS.... 73, de N0QBX
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